Monday, June 10, 2013

MBLAQ is back. Daaamn son.

Mblaq is back... And it's really good, damn.

I'm quite an MBLAQ fan, I think I'd classify them as one of my favourite male idol groups, and considering the current 'clusterfuck' trend that's been going 'round kpop lately I was a tad worried about this comeback... But I wasn't dissappointed.

Then I found out the song was penned and produced by Zion T, Simon D and Primary.
No wonder it's good. Everything Primary touches turns to gold. -And don't even get me started on Zion T.

My only issue now, is that I'm desperate to hear a demo version with Zion T' and Simon D's vocals.
Can you imagine how good that'd be?! I am pretty sure i'd cut off my left foot to hear that.
Well, maybe not a foot. I'd do a toe perhaps. If they'd sing it to me live. While giving me a foot massage...

Wow, that got a 'lil weird... Anyway, If anyone manages to find their version I'd love you forever to link it to me. I'll give you all the creepy internet hugs you could ever want.

Also. Hand Grenade mic prop.

I'm undecided about whether this is awesome or just really really odd and out of place...
I mean what's sexier than a hand grenade... Am i right ladies?!?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. If you want. No pressure.

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